• Mary Ann "Skipper"
  • 2009
  • 0

January 20, 2009 was an historic day. Witnessing Barack Obama become the 44th President was memorable. Political pundits have been critiquing his inauguration speech.

Several lines stood out, especially the following two:

To people who wish to sew conflict… know that people will judge you by what you build and not what you destroy.”

“We will extend a hand if you will unclench your fist.”

As leaders our role is to build our people and our organization. It is up to us to inspire others to build on ideas. Our role also requires us to build collaborative relationships. We may find it hard to reach out to others with whom we disagree or have held grudges. We may feel that their fists are clenched.

We can model constructive behavior by building rapport.  By proactively making an effort or by not disparaging or destroying others, we exemplify a positive desire to extend a hand. We can build bridges.

We are all in the construction industry. Reaching out is a necessary tool whether building a new start for a country as President Obama discussed or building your team, ideas and relationships.