• Mary Ann "Skipper"
  • 2014
  • 0

By now, many of our weight loss resolutions have been broken and the tourists have left the gym.

Rick Warren, author of The Daniel Plan: 40 Days to a Healthier Life and The Purpose Driven Life, says there are three key ingredients to successful weight loss. I would propose that these can be applied to any goal.

  1. Faith

    Having belief and trust

    that you can do it.

    Developing positive affirmations

    generates a winning mindset.


  2. Friends

    Having a support system

    and accountability partners.

    Declaring your goal to others

    and receiving their encouragement

    helps accomplish it.


  3. Focus

    Having a “why” for your goal

    increases your commitment.

    That motivation supports you

    in staying the course.

    Daniel Goleman, an emotional intelligence expert,

    says that focus

    is the most important ingredient

    for people who have become wealthy.

Food and fitness are usually the factors associated with successful weight loss. Introducing faith, friends and focus into your plan will allow you to either lose what you want or gain what you desire.