• Mary Ann "Skipper"
  • 2015
  • 0

Can You Hit the Right Note?On Saturday night I went to a new jazz club to see a nationally renowned trumpeter and his band. We arrived early to meet friends and the seasoned musicians (two had played with Ray Charles) were practicing.

Notwithstanding their experience, these talented performers were putting in time to warm up and play before the performance.

Often we think we can show up and wing it. However, practice and preparation are key elements to success.

When we give a speech or presentation, preparation is essential. Developing a strong opening and closing that gets attention should be a major focus. In addition, practicing out loud at least three times makes a significant difference.

When we negotiate, it is imperative to map out a strategy in advance. Ron Shapiro, Cal Ripken’s former agent, says that preparation is the most important step in a negotiation.

Having a difficult conversation becomes easier when we have a well thought out approach and rehearse.

Regardless of our experience level or the kind of gig we are doing, rehearsing, preparing and practicing will help us hit the right note and lead to a strong performance.