• Mary Ann "Skipper"
  • 2006
  • 0

I have been in Charleston for the last couple of weeks. Every interaction I have encountered has been positive. I am amazed!! Simply put- people are nice!

They say good morning, offer directions when they see you looking at a map and acknowledge you when you walk into a store. People are polite.

This civility creates an environment with a lot less stress. I find myself more patient, polite and calm. People are respectful and it makes you feel valued. In turn, you reciprocate.

Being nice to colleagues, clients and potential customers costs nothing. Saying goodnight to co-workers, hello to people when passing them in the hall or thanking clients for their business are all ways of acknowledging others.

It seems simple.  Yet often we become so focused or too busy to interact with others. Politeness is contagious. And it can spread quickly. No, I’m not an ambassador for the Charleston Chamber of Commerce, but I am an advocate for creating a stress free, positive work environment.