• Mary Ann "Skipper"
  • 2014
  • 0
Creative Thinking Gets Inspired Results

Source: Today.com

Recently a small town Utah community gathered to create a special experience for a little boy diagnosed with a rare disease predicted to die within two weeks. I was inspired by their generosity, support, creativity and ability to think beyond the norms.

The neighbors held Halloween, full blown with trick or treating and costumes. Soon after they held a birthday celebration complete with a parade and police motorcade. The next day they decorated for Christmas, hanging lights and installing front lawn displays. Trees were trimmed and presents were exchanged.

The community’s ability to go beyond the usual limits and established ways of doing things created magical results.

This kind of thinking has changed society. Steve Jobs and Henry Ford questioned our known frames of reference. Most other inventors did too.

How is conventional thinking impacting the breakthroughs or special experiences you want to create?

Imagine what is possible when you think big, reframe the rules, act with passion and the best intentions.