• Mary Ann "Skipper"
  • 2006
  • 0

Concession speeches bring the heated political season to an end. Thank goodness!

They all have one thing in common. The candidates talk about how it is time to put aside differences and work together for the common good.

I heard one candidate concede to his victorious opponent, “We have something in common. We both care about ______ County.” You can fill in the blank for your area.

The elections create an environment that is ripe for crucial conversations. Ron McMillan, a co-author of Crucial Conversations, says that these types of conversations have three elements.

  1. Opinions vary
  2. Stakes are high
  3. Emotions are charged

When having a crucial conversation he says, it is essential to find a shared pool of meaning.

This pool consists of common goals and an understanding of the other’s experiences and beliefs. The greater the pool, the easier to find resolution and agree upon desired outcomes.

When it is time for a crucial conversation, stop and recognize the presence of the three elements. Create a shared pool of meaning. By doing so, you and the other person will both be winners!