• Mary Ann "Skipper"
  • 2006
  • 0

Last week Good Morning America featured a guy who traded a red paper clip for a house through 25 transactions.

Each trade resulted in a more valuable outcome. The transaction history included a beer keg, a snow blower, a trip to Yahk, a meeting with Alice Cooper, a part in a movie and of course the ultimate prize, a new house.

People laughed at him and said it couldn’t be done. They thought he was crazy and had an outlandish dream.

What dream do you want to pursue that seems impossible? What would it mean to you if it came true? What will you trade to begin to make it real? Tradeoffs may exist and having a clear vision will help guide you to stay on course.

There will be naysayers and people who do not see or understand your vision. Do not listen to them or allow them to squash your desires. Anything is possible if you act on your dreams.

(You may even want to keep a red paper clip on your desk as a reminder!)