• Mary Ann "Skipper"
  • 2008
  • 0

As Thanksgiving approaches we become more aware of giving thanks and expressing gratitude. In addition to making others feel good and connecting with your spiritual side, there are additional benefits according to Real Simple magazine.

  1. It helps you feel in control: By acknowledging your gratitude regularly you feel more autonomous and you start to take credit for the good things in your life.
  2. It improves your health People who write in gratitude journals report more energy and vitality. They tend to exercise 33 percent more each week on average and sleep 30 more minutes each night.
  3. It helps you cope better with trauma By focusing on what is good in your life at present you are better able to neutralize negative emotions from the past. Painful memories are less likely to surface and less intense when they arise.
  4. It bolsters self-worth and self-esteem By counting your blessings you focus on what you value most. You are less likely to become negative when difficulty strikes.

Giving thanks and expressing gratitude is a practice we can implement throughout the year. It is good for your mind, body and soul.