• Mary Ann "Skipper"
  • 2014
  • 0

We are familiar with the expression “Time Out.” We put children in this place to give them a break or to punish them. In sports we call Time Out to regroup and strategize.

What if we created “Time In” for ourselves? Dr. Daniel Siegel, Co-director of The Mindful Awareness Research Center, proposed this concept at the Thrive conference I recently attended.

In this Distraction Age, we are so busy running from one activity to another and interacting with so many people that we neglect to tune in to ourselves. We don’t take time to feel what we are feeling, to notice messages that our body is sending and to just be, without doing.

Going inward can be scary and unpredictable. We don’t know what feelings may arise. However, if we make the journey, we increase our capacity for compassion and empathy, growing our resilience. Reflection also increases our executive function and self-awareness.

When we extend empathy and acceptance to ourselves, we thrive.

Instead of taking time out from your overscheduled life, take time in!