• Mary Ann "Skipper"
  • 2013
  • 0

I travel a lot. After three rotator cuff surgeries I am very aware of how important it is to pack lightly. (Although I don’t always succeed)! Carrying excess baggage can get heavy.

Our minds are like suitcases. We stuff a lot into them. Some of us may need to sit on top of them to close off the myriad thoughts.

We carry so much extra baggage that the extra fees are really costing us.

We focus on doubts and fears which can paralyze us. We replay conversations over and over thinking about what we could or should have said or not said. We spin “what ifs” like a top and get dizzy. We dream about lost opportunities. And we focus on what did not get done.

We frequently carry more than we need in our minds because we lack self-trust that we are enough.

A goal in packing is to reduce your outfits by 1/3 – 1/2 of what you initially planned.

If we apply that concept to our minds, we can reduce our baggage to one thought a day.

Instead of carrying around five or more overwhelming thoughts, focus on one intention for the day. Try it on and see how often you can wear this concept.

I promise it will cost you less and help you travel lighter.