• Mary Ann "Skipper"
  • 2013
  • 0

It’s that time of year when weight loss commercials and TV segments dominate the airwaves.

Each year promises new tips, exercises and the greatest miracle food. Yet for all the talk and advice, most people do not keep their resolutions by January 31st.

Why is this? Often we focus on what we are giving up rather than what we will gain. We feel loss, deprivation and scarcity. No wonder we give up!

When we say no to certain foods and behaviors we forget what we are saying yes to. What will we gain by this change? What new behaviors can we activate? What different foods can we enjoy?

By definition, change means loss. It also is an opportunity to gain something new. We have to let go of one thing for something new to emerge.

Stay focused on the “why” and to what you are saying yes. Then the “how” will come and it will be easier to make the change.

Happy New Year!