• Mary Ann "Skipper"
  • 2008
  • 0

Every day we are bombarded by the woes on Wall St. We hear about the greed and excesses of organizations.  Most recently the AIG spa retreat scandal made the headline. We hear about leaders who gamble, cheat, lie and steal.

I saw Bruce Jenner, the decathlon gold medal Olympian, speak last week. He actually advocates living your life with these verbs to create a happy life. Here are his recommendations.

  • Gamble:  Gamble on Life. Dare to take risks to make your dreams come true.
  • Cheat:  Cheat those who would have you be less than you are. Surround yourself with those who support and believe in you.
  • Lie:  Lie in the arms of the ones you love.
  • Steal:  Steal every moment of happiness. Live each day as if it where your last.

So the next time you see the disparaging headlines, use them as a reminder to apply these actions in your life, according to your values.