• Mary Ann "Skipper"
  • 2012
  • 0

The start of a new year is usually accompanied by resolutions. In Style magazine reports that 55{160c7819af59c11da6532971d4da6329afa70521e09652cedd42dbad61fa4f29} of us make New Year’s resolutions. 82.6{160c7819af59c11da6532971d4da6329afa70521e09652cedd42dbad61fa4f29} of people make the same one more than once.

To increase the likelihood of success three factors are necessary.

  1. Tell the resolution to a friend. They can support you, share ideas for accomplishing and hold accountability. In addition, writing it down will increase the likelihood of it coming to fruition.
  2. Make it specific. As with goals, when it is specific and measurable you have a greater chance of success than using words such as, “more” or “better.” For example, going to the gym three times a week is measurable and specific. It will be more likely to happen rather than getting to the gym more often.
  3. Reward yourself for small steps. A year can be a long time. Think in terms of weekly or monthly increments. When you get to the gym your targeted number of times, reward yourself with a massage or whatever treat you have designed for yourself.

This year, whether you want to lose weight, exercise, be patient, live a balanced life or take care of yourself, I encourage you to think about what you will gain in the short and long term from this resolution. Your chances for success will increase by declaring, sharing and rewarding yourself along the way.

Best wishes for a Happy New Year and for whatever brings you joy!