• Mary Ann "Skipper"
  • 2015
  • 0

The Power of AppreciationI had the joy of seeing veterans from WWII and the Korean War be welcomed and celebrated as they arrived at BWI airport last week.

People stopped walking to their gates and broke into spontaneous applause as these heroes deplaned and came through the terminal. The energy was high as travelers hi-fived the men, waved flags and expressed appreciation. There was a feeling of gratitude and camaraderie throughout the concourse.

This positivity was infectious. Acknowledgement and gratitude have that effect.

What if we could generate these feelings in our workplace? The impact of appreciation, positivity and energy is mentally and physically valuable.

A study in the 2013 Academy of Management Journal found that women who wrote down three positive events at the end of each day for several weeks felt less stressed and had fewer headaches, less back pain and muscles tension. In addition, positivity helped people detach from work worry and feel less stressed when they were home.

Our veterans are heroes to be celebrated for their service, courage and commitment. While you likely will not be drafted into harm’s way, you can be a hero in your everyday life.

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You will raise your own energy and positivity and that of those around you when you stop to celebrate and express appreciation.