• Mary Ann "Skipper"
  • 2014
  • 0

The Power of PartnershipsOver the weekend I toured James Madison’s house, Montpelier. Madison was the Father of our Constitution. Although he was a humble and esteemed statesman on his own, he was also known for his dynamic wife, Dolley. While many of us know her for her cupcakes and ice cream, she was an influential and charming hostess who was loved by all. In D.C., she would bring opposite sides of political parties together and create alignment and friendship. (We could use her now)!

Charles Pinckney who ran against Madison for the Presidency said that he could have beaten Madison but he could not beat James and Dolley Madison together.

Partnerships, when well chosen, can be powerful. Often we think we have to go it alone. We may be afraid to give up control or become vulnerable. Well formed partnerships with people we trust can increase our potential. We can gain new perspectives, implement different approaches and accomplish more than we otherwise would have.

Whether in business, personal or volunteer capacities, positive partnerships can increase our creativity, confidence and desired outcomes!

  1. In your experience, what creates a winning partnership?
  2. What do you have to let go of or what is preventing you from creating a dynamic relationship?
  3. What might you gain?