• Mary Ann "Skipper"
  • 2014
  • 0

Airplane cabin crew standing at the airport with bagsOn a recent flight, three announcements were made that are good reminders for effective leadership.

  1. While we were delayed and waiting several minutes to take off, the pilot came on the microphone and announced, “The update is that we have no update.”Even though there was nothing to report, we passengers appreciated the update and being kept in the loop. It also increased our trust that he would keep us informed.

    In organizations, people rarely say that over communication is an issue. In addition to team members, it is so important to keep customers apprised, even if there is no forward progress. No news is news. Absent communication, people make things up. And it is usually not positive.

  2. I frequently sit in the emergency exit row. The flight attendants always ask for a verbal yes to assist in the unlikely event of an emergency. As leaders, we can follow this example by getting verbal “yeses” when we delegate projects. It helps to create ownership and a sense of responsibility, confirm accountability and eliminate misunderstandings.
  3. Put your oxygen mask on first and then assist those in need. While we are all familiar with this concept, we often forget to put it into practice. It is a good reminder that self-care increases our resilience and that we have to be good for ourselves before we can be good for others.

Leadership and flying can both seem uncertain at times. In order to ensure a smoother ride, those unpredictable circumstances require communication, buy in and self-care.