• Mary Ann "Skipper"
  • 2006
  • 0

As I watched the Radio City Rockettes, the word, precision, came to mind. Seeing the accuracy of their footwork and the coordination of the choreography is amazing!  It takes teamwork and untold hours of practice to create this magic.

Each person’s role is important. Each individual helps to create the whole. If one person steps out of line or misses a kick, the entire effect is lost. Every dancer impacts the result.

Sometimes we do not think that our role is important. If we show up late to a meeting or do not contribute to the dialogue, we think it won’t matter. It does. Our energy, participation and presence matter. They impact the whole.

Our moves are probably not as precise or coordinated as those of the Rockettes. We sometimes step on or trip over each other. Improvisation also requires extraordinary teamwork and awareness. Remember, our individual steps make an impact on the whole, even we if don’t think they do. That’s one dance lesson worth practicing!