• Mary Ann "Skipper"
  • 2013
  • 0

One of the first phrases that Rosetta Stone teaches people learning a foreign language to say is, “Could you please slow down?” It is difficult to communicate and understand when someone is speaking rapidly.

Does slowing down feel like a foreign language to you? When we are moving so fast, it can be hard for others to communicate with us. They cannot get our attention or hear us.

As the holiday season begins, there is much to do. People to see, presents to buy, gifts to wrap, cookies to bake, cards to send, meals to prepare and _______, ________,________.

Given all these activities and “shoulds,” slowing down might feel like you are visiting a foreign country. To discover a new land, what might you relinquish, delegate or stop?

What new words could you bring into your holiday vocabulary? How foreign are “calm,” “fun,” “peaceful,” “relax,” “assistance,” “joy,” “rest” and “ask?”

Perhaps slowing down and re-visiting expectations will help you become fluent in a new holiday language.

Happy Holiday Season!