• Mary Ann "Skipper"
  • 2014
  • 0

What's In a Name?How long did it take you to get into action the last time you had a project that did not excite you?

When we dread doing things or are not excited about them, we put them off. Procrastinating becomes our operating style.

We can get into action much faster if the end result excites us. Focusing on the why instead of the how can be much more energizing.

Language plays an important role. If we reframe the project focusing on the benefit, positivity will overcome dread.

For example, a client was putting off doing research for a book. She wasn’t making time to do this. By reframing the project based on why the research was important to her, she quickly got into action. It is now “the Published Book Author” project and she is moving toward her goal.

Another client was having difficulty losing weight and exercising. Now that he is focused on the “Looking Good” project, he has gotten to the gym and started eating healthier.

Renaming leads to reframing. Focusing on the why becomes compelling and creates excitement. And we know, it is a lot easier to gain momentum when we desire something instead of dreading it.

So what’s in a name? Perhaps your future outcomes!