• Mary Ann "Skipper"
  • 2007
  • 0

With Valentine’s Day approaching I have been watching morning TV segments teaching men subjects ranging from Lingerie 101 to buying flowers and gift alternatives to a box of chocolates.

Hallmark, Godiva, and the floral and jewelry industries are prime beneficiaries of the day in which we are expected to profess our love.

What would happen, though, if we expressed our love and appreciation on the other 364 days of the year?

Recently, clients have expressed their appreciation and joy for having me on their team at the end of a coaching session and also in the middle of an all day strategy session.

A friend was ecstatic and surprised when she opened her refrigerator and found blueberries that her husband had bought.

These unexpected actions mean more than a message that a dozen roses or a singing Valentine card could deliver. They are unanticipated, everyday gestures and expressions that show caring and appreciation.

We can bring love and joy into people’s lives without being reminded by TV commercials or billboards. It doesn’t have to be the perfect action or “right” conversation.

All it takes is a conscious choice and turning it into action!